tisdag 5 juli 2011

"Det intressanta med geocaching"

Denna film är från blog.geocaching.com

Öpedagogen har jobbat med geocaching, läs mer på bloggen hur de gjort och vad de kommit fram till med geocaching.
Geocaching, Öpedagogens blogg

måndag 4 juli 2011

Tales of London, en interaktiv bok för engelskundervisningen

Tales of 20th Century LondonTales of 20th Century London is an engaging interactive online book that looks at what it was like to grow up in 20th Century London. Readers chose which particular aspect of life they would like to explore and are then asked to make decisions throughout the book which will impact on their life.

This is a really gun and entertaining way to immerse yourself in times gone by.

Visit www.talesoflondon.org.uk/ to try it out for yourself.